YONI BALM - Caring for Woman

Yoni Balm Ingredients
I have used unrefined, unprocessed oils and butters from local, ethical farmers and suppliers as well as herbs that I grow and harvest myself or from local farmers.
These butters, herbal oil infusions and essential oils are especially chosen for their gentle and effective healing properties.
There are no added chemicals, preservatives, fragrances at all.
Specially designed to care for a lady's yoni
(vagina and vulva)
Meet your expert
hi there,
I'm Dr Gauri
I would love to introduce Yoni Balm to you.
I am a trained medical doctor (MBChB) and have studied herbalism with various teachers across a variety or western and eastern cultures.
Over the last 16 years I have worked deeply with women. My experience has made it clear that women's health and wellness is multi-layered and holistic.
I have combined my experience of working closely with women in India and Africa – in hospital and rural village settings; with my deep love for botanical medicine, my respect for Mother Nature as Healer and my background in allopathic and natural medicines.
Yoni Balm is a product of deep understanding of a woman's holistic needs as sacred feminine as well as her physical needs.
My interest and hunger for plant healing lead me to combine the wisdoms of the different indigenous practices I have some to know so deeply. The energetics and alchemy of plant healing has widened my application; as I also choose plants that combine beautifully and heal certain body states – like the dryness of atrophy the need for warmth postpartum.
I have found that the combination of the wisdom and guidance of plants along with the ever -expanding and humble journey into yoni and womb medicine has expanded the depth and enormity involved in healing with woman, the potency of healing and deep alignment as well as the travesty of the opposite and the healing in between.
It keeps me forever humbled to be guided as well as beautifully aligned and empowered to navigate the depths, the beauty way, the deeply satisfying journey into being WOMAN.

"When do you need this product? If you know, you know.
This is truly a lifesaver for me. After breast cancer and the treatment that follows, this balm soothes and eases a lot of discomfort."
Yoni Care - by woman for woman
Are you looking for a balm to nourish, protect and heal your Yoni with the gentle healing from Mother Nature.
This balm brings in herbal infused oils to create a healthy and happy yoni.
As well as creating a deep healing relationship through connecting with our Sacred Yoni.

Contact me to supply Yoni Balm to your community of women, as a healthshop or women mentor, yoga studio

Great moisturiser and soother for your Yoni
Great product, lovely packaging.
It is a great product. Post menopause with all the challenges that come with it, this product is exactly what I needed to make me feel comfortable and feminine again.

My Mission
I remember I wanted to create an all natural product that would not only help women feel comfortable and at ease within their yoni, but also invite the sacred connection and deeper sense of healing too.
I didn't want to add any hormones or chemicals as I believe that a woman's yoni is wise and directs us to how what we need to balance and heal ourselves.
I wanted to create a product that supported the natural innate intelligence of Yoni and would not override, numb or minimise this intelligence as well as our connection to this intelligence in anyway.
Actually I found by intention, prayer and meditation around creating Yoni Balm - the healing ethos of Sacred Connection and Deeper healing could be carried through.
As I worked with the natural raw ingredients I experienced the depth of plant healing and wisdom that was being evoked within the creation of Yoni Balm.
This product is more than the ingredients that make it. It holds within it the secret codes of Divine Feminine Healing as is whispered in the plants that bring in this Sacred Elemental Connection.
Definitely recommend!
Doesn't irritate. Very Soothing. Works like a bomb!

Copyright Dr Gauri | gauri@drgaurilowe.com