The other day as I delved beneath the fresh and crisp Indian sea water – my body licked and caressed by the velvet embrace of the vital, dynamic, full and powerful salt ocean – I felt that every pregnant women should have this experience!
(Actually every woman! Now I am no longer pregnant but know that this would be pure panacea for me too!)
My body felt loved!
Full of life!
I felt amazing!
I felt natural and pure!
I felt crisp and full of wonder!
I swam through the sea…..diving down, so the water could swish over my head and through my hair. Crisp and minty!
If every women could feel THIS way while their amazing and exquisite body is nurturing their baby – these happy, proud, loved and lovely feelings will enter each of her cells!
When you feel AMAZING…these feelings will enter your body’s intelligence. Your body will respond with health and vitality and your unborn baby will be surrounded by the love and honouring of each cell that is feeding and carrying her or him!
THIS is one of the most important things to keep in your hearts daily during your pregnancy!
And everyday!
Because our bodies respond to the talk we give it.
The importance and significance of this is beyond what any tablet, infusion or procedure can do for you.