A practical course for Mothers or Birthworkers who are looking for a hands-on way to prepare their support structures, meal preparations and care for a restful and restorative postpartum. Postpartum is the most important time in a mother’s life.
In this time her body needs to resettle, and be supported with nourishment and care and be close to her new baby. Nowadays the pressure to continue with domestic chores, childcare and “get back to normal” is huge and tragic. The result is an increase in postpartum depression anxiety, burn out, exhaustion and breastfeeding difficulties.
Too often a mother will realise in her postpartum that this time needs planning so she can get the rest, recuperation time, the nourishment and babymoon time that is so essential. Then it is too late as she is all ready spinning to maintain all the duties and expectations on her.
This course is designed for pregnant mothers (or birthworkers working with pregnant mothers) to plan and create their personalised postpartum support in detail. So when the time comes she can rest with ease so her body and her baby can heal optimally.
Course Instructor
Creating your Postpartum Support
This course includes 5 videos and an extensive practical workbook explaining the:
- importance of reframing postpartum
- rest and indigenous cultures
- creating your postpartum support
- meal planning
- ode to women