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And while I am doing this and stroking his long beautiful and very straight blond hair, and he is having the occasional sleep twitch….and then suckling again – never letting go. I realised I am sharing my love, acceptance and joy of being with him…
Another teeny peep into the reality of South Africa’s living. At the end of the day you remember all the people (patients) that you touched sides with. Some more than others.
At 930 am I called his name and he came in limping; leaning on another man, helping him in, and the lady security guard. His drip was empty with dry blood…
The invariable Saturday night popular aromas of the perfect blend of alcohol, blood and urine…..
….I realised something important on that call……
10 important (possibly most important) aspects of women’s health that may be neglected to include by many mainstream doctors – but may truly save your health and your sanity! And make you feel great!