15 differences between home and hospital births – that they don’t tell you

15 differences between home and hospital births – that they don’t tell you

I am a homebirth doctor. I have attended many hospital and homebirths.

I had my baby at home before I worked and studied in hospitals. My homebirth experience was very different from what I was trained to do and practiced at the hospitals.

When I was working as a homebirth doctor with other independent midwives I noticed again – so many innate and important differences that happen at homebirths that are not done at hospitals births and others that are done routinely in hospital births but do not happen routinely in homebirths.

Here are a few (based on my personal experience):

The Birth of a Sacred birthkeeper

The Birth of a Sacred birthkeeper

Birth and motherhood hold a profound opportunity for self-empowerment and growth. The opportunity to touch and imbibe a divine aspect of Mother Nature that is pure, sacred and richly connected with Mother Earth’s depths of wisdom, nurturing and healing. Once you hold this in your being it is immovable, secure and tangible.

This is my journey to realizing and knowing this truth.