Various Shades of a Saturday night in Trauma
The invariable Saturday night popular aromas of the perfect blend of alcohol, blood and urine…..
….I realised something important on that call……
The invariable Saturday night popular aromas of the perfect blend of alcohol, blood and urine…..
….I realised something important on that call……
I Marched….
to my husband and told him…
because I am worth it….
She was labelled “unco-operative” – in her labour, just afterwards and the label remained the following morning on the ward round….I was at her labour. I know what happened.
She was not un-co-operative. She is not a piece of property to manage. She was primal in her labour as every woman should be.
10 important (possibly most important) aspects of women’s health that may be neglected to include by many mainstream doctors – but may truly save your health and your sanity! And make you feel great!
I am a homebirth doctor. I have attended many hospital and homebirths.
I had my baby at home before I worked and studied in hospitals. My homebirth experience was very different from what I was trained to do and practiced at the hospitals.
When I was working as a homebirth doctor with other independent midwives I noticed again – so many innate and important differences that happen at homebirths that are not done at hospitals births and others that are done routinely in hospital births but do not happen routinely in homebirths.
Here are a few (based on my personal experience):
I was at work to see the postnatal patients. My hours were 8am-12pm and there were a total of 32 postnatal beds. That means 8 minutes per patient (if they were full). Which is possibly do-able….if everyone’s vitals, symptoms and state is perfect and does not require any further questioning or tests.
It is a strange thing. The tendency to put someone in a box based on a label or a job description, even a nationality…
The tendency to judge and make decisions about their character, their integrity, their incentives, their work ethic…..
It hurts. I have been hurt. I have been judged. I have been excluded. I have had to “prove myself”, my motives.
Birth and motherhood hold a profound opportunity for self-empowerment and growth. The opportunity to touch and imbibe a divine aspect of Mother Nature that is pure, sacred and richly connected with Mother Earth’s depths of wisdom, nurturing and healing. Once you hold this in your being it is immovable, secure and tangible.
This is my journey to realizing and knowing this truth.
Is being sensitive a blessing or a curse?
I am Sensitive…
It makes you weep with such feeling you feel you have shed a skin.
It makes you connect with such truth that your clarity and truth are a shining sword lighting up the way forward.
It is hard. It may be easier to pretend. Hide. Mask. Smile and cover it up. But people like me will soon go mad like that.
Yesterday I chose some herbs in my cupboard and made some tinctures with them! I really love using plants as medicine so I was very excited to finally make my own tinctures….