Prologue – A few months ago there was a lot of posts about women marching. Forgive me for being somewhat cynical and it is by no means exclusive – but I reflected on the external Marching we are doing OUT there and the benefits…and it got me wandering. About. The importance of carrying out our raised voices and high-held banners into our own lives, our own circles. Politics cannot control our self-talk and our personal one on one interactions.
I just always come back to this…
What can I DO In MY life, NOW?
SO I wrote this.
Because I think if everyone did THIS – the benefits and influence may be somewhat staggeringly longlived and infintely more powerful than that March a few months ago….
It starts with us.
I marched up the stairs and opened my front door. I put my bag down and sat down on my comfortable sofa for 10 minutes to recalibrate my day.
Because I am worth it.
I marched to the bathroom and looked into the mirror and I said to my reflection and myself – I love you and I value you because you are worth it.
I marched up to my husband and put my arms around him and thanked him for all he does for our family and children. Because I am worth his love and protection.
I whispered into my children’s hair as I read them a story good night because above everything I want them to know they are worth it.
I marched myself to sleep feeling safe, protected and nurtured in the cradle of Mother Earth and grateful for the opportunity to align myself in serving and protecting Her too with respect and gratitude.
In the morning after the bustle I marched to work …. I marched to yoga…. I marched to homeschool… I marched to grocery shop… I marched to tea and a book….
knowing in myself I am responsible for my choices so I make them in alignment with my heart and I know I can change to reaffirm my alignment as I need to with ease and joy.
Because I am worth it.
I held no banners. I did not shout it out. Because in my daily life and in my daily practice I am marching BECAUSE I AM WORTH IT.
I LOVE this!!!